Monday, July 19, 2010

Luck Be a Lady

Okay, so yesterday I met a new REALTOR at an Open House. We had a really great conversation about her 'Real Estate Boot Camp'. This got me thinking about my fitness boot camp and how I can apply the same methods to other areas of my life.

Hard work and focused concentrated effort really do make a difference. It is tempting to use 'luck' (or lack thereof) as an excuse for why we don't have what we want (higher income, fitter body, better relationships, more time...). Luck is so seductive and it leaves our lives to chance. Looking outside yourself for the solution to our problems will never bring us success.

In Change Your Life in 30 Days, Rhonda Britten suggests that we make a list. What things in your life you have control over and what things you have no control over. Rhonda then suggests that to make sure we understand how much control we really have, we rate how well we are achieving what we have control over.

One thing that I definitely have control over is how I spend my time and energy. Then I rated myself and a 3 out of 10 for the amount of effort I spend controlling my time. This is an area that I thought I was doing so well in. When I am honest with myself though I realize that I work hard at wasting time, talking about how 'fast time goes by', and feeling frustrated by the lack of time I feel in my life. So by taking control of my time I will empower myself to make better use of it, therefore multiplying my chances for success. Luck is where hard work and opportunity meet. I intend to show up and be present so when they do, I'll be there!

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